Saturday, 9 June 2012

Sedekah Senyuman Itu

NUBuAT Rasulullah Salla‘Allahu Alayhi was Sallam (peace and blessings Of God be on him) (Huru-hara DUNIA bukan Kiamat)!!! Friday 15 Ramadan 1433 or 2012 Friday 3 August (Today: 09 June 2012 NUBuATAN left @1Month and 25 Days or 55 Days to Go)!!! I’m Telling YOU. I Give You An Example Maturity: Like Ourself we Born then we Die when Old age, so same things with the System, The market, the systems, the economic are dead, cannot produce how hard you do it. It’s over, don’t waste your TIME! The WORLD Old Enough and Time’s Up! (here: Everything U Need to KNOW 'NASA ADMITS) 

REMINDER: We are living in a time when the Corrupt are displayed as the Wise People & Wise People as the Corrupt. When The Rich get Richer and the Poor stay Poor. With this Message I will attempt explain one Of the Signs from God & The Mystery Surrounding us. We don't know exact time Of the HOUR, (Only God Knows). However, we do know some Of the Sign. Read Carefully. Think & Observe the Signs Of All Mighty God before it's too late. The HOUR is Coming, it's just a matter Of time . . .LIKE I ALWAYS SAY ITS BETTER TO PREPARE!!! May God bless you all always 'Ameen

Sedekah Senyuman Itu
By MardianaHamden  | Saturday, June 09, 2012 @M'sianTIME 09:59PM

Senyuman Membantu kita hidup Positif kerana Apabila kita tersenyum badan kita akan menghantar seluruh mesej kepada kita bahawa "Hidup adalah Baik . . .

Ahli psikologi mengatakan bahawa senyuman merupakan cara terbaik untuk membuat badan kita untuk berfungsi dengan lebih baik dan untuk memperbaiki kesihatan kita, tahap tekanan dan daya tarikan kita, mereka mengatakan senyuman itu boleh memberi orang lain lebih daripada apa-apa perkara yang fizikal. Oleh itu, mereka percaya bahawa senyuman adalah hanya satu keseronokan cara untuk hidup lebih lama dan mereka memberikan kita beberapa akibat daripada tersenyum:

1. Kita telah disediakan kepada mereka yang tersenyum kerana terdapat faktor tarikan kepada orang-orang yang ceria.

2. Senyuman Membantu kita Tinggal Positif kerana Apabila kita tersenyum badan kita menghantar mesej bahawa kita "Hidup adalah Baik!".

3. Senyum membuatkan kami seolah-olah berjaya kerana tersenyum orang kelihatan lebih yakin.

4. Senyuman meningkatkan Sistem Imun kita kerana ia membantu sistem imun bekerja lebih baik.

Nabi Muhamad Sallallahu Alayhi was Sallam menggesa kita tersenyum apabila dia berkata di dalam hadith nubuatan "Senyuman anda untuk orang lain adalah sedekah" (Hadis Sahih oleh Al Albany).

Charity Of the Smile

Smiling Helps us Stay Positive because When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good . . .

Psychologists say that Smiling is a great way to make our body to function better and to improve our health, stress level, and our attractiveness; they say that smile can give others more than any physical matter. Therefore, they believe that Smiling is just one fun way to live longer and they give us some consequences of smiling:

1. People are drawn to those who smile as there is an attraction factor to cheerful people.

2. Smiling Helps us Stay Positive because When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!".

3. Smiling makes us Seem Successful because smiling people appear more confident.

4. Smiling boosts our Immune System because it helps the immune system to work better.

Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him urges us to smile as he says in the prophetic hadith” your smile for others is a charity” (Hadith Sahih - by Al Albany

Nabi Muhammad Salla'Allahu Alayhi was Sallam menasihati kita 1433 tahun yang lalu untuk memulakan arah tidur kita di sebelah kanan, mengapa? . . .

Saintis mengatakan bahawa tidur di sebelah kiri tidak sehat, sebagaimana jantung akan berada di bawah tekanan paru-paru kanan, yang terbesar daripada kedua-dua paru-paru, dan ini akan memberi kesan penguncupan lebih-lebih lagi jika orang yang sudah tua.

Juga mereka memberi jaminan bahawa perut penuh yang itu sendiri adalah di bawah tekanan organ yang paling berat dalam saluran pencernaan, hati, yang melengahkan pengosongan, juga akan mengenakan tekanan ke atas jantung. Hence yang mereka menasihati orang ramai untuk tidur di sebelah kanan terutamanya untuk pesakit oleh mana-mana penyakit jantung.

Maha Suci Allah!! Yang memberitahu Nabi Salla'Allahu Alayhi was Sallam nasihat perubatan ini?

Sleeping On the Right Side . . .

Prophet Mohamed (peace and blessings of God be on him) advised us 1433 years ago to start our sleeping mode on the right side, why? . . .

Scientists say that sleeping on the left side is not favored, as the heart would be under the pressure of the right lung, the biggest of the 2 lungs, and this would affect its contraction especially if the person is old.

Also they assure that the full stomach which itself is under the pressure of the heaviest organ in the digestive tract, the liver, which delays its emptying, would also impose a pressure on the heart. Hence they advise people to sleep on the right side especially for patients by any heart disease.

Glory to Allah!!! Who told our prophet peace and blessings of God be on him, this medical advice?

SPREAD the WORDS Of Humanity, GOD ALMIGHTY SAYS IN THE HOLY QURAN: 'NO REWARD DO I ASK OF YOU FOR IT: MY REWARD IS ONLY FROM THE LORD OF THE UNIVERSE'. (Firman Allah Ta’ala: ‘Dan aku tidak meminta kepada kamu sebarang upah mengenai apa yang aku sampaikan (dari Tuhanku); balasanku hanyalah terserah kepada Allah Tuhan sekalian alam)'. (Surah 26 'Asy'araa: verse 109)

ps: Maka sebarkanlah apa saja yang anda fikirkan perlu disebarkan. Apa yang anda baca di sini hanyalah maklumat. Ianya akan menjadi ilmu yang manfaat apabila diamalkan. Dan jika kita sampaikan ilmu yang kita ada kepada orang lain, maka Allah Ta'ala akan menganugerahkan kepada kita ilmu yang belum kita tahu.

1WC’sChannel@1WORLDCommunity: United States of America. Canada. Netherlands. New Zealand. Abu Dhabi. Afghanistan. Malaysia. Britain. Brunei. Albania. Algeria. Angola. Argentina. Australia. Azerbaijan. Bahamas. Bangladesh. Barbados. Belgium. Belize. Bermuda. Biera. Bolivia. Brazil. Bulgaria. Cameroon. Chad. Chezh. Chile. China. Costa Rica. Dagestan. Denmark. Djibouti. Dubai. Egypt. Ethopia. Fiji. Filiphina. Finland. France. Gading beach. Gambia. Germany. Ghana. Gibraltar. Greece. Guinea. Guinea Bissau. Guyana. Hong Kong. Hungary. India. Indonesia. Iran. Iraq. Ireland. Italy. Jamaica. Japan. Jordan. Kazakhstan. Kenya. Kibris. Kuwait. Laos. Liberia. Libya. Lebanone. Luxsembourg. Madagascar. Morocco. Malawi. Maldives. Mali. Malta. Mauritania. Mauritius. Mexico. Mozambique. Myanmar. Niger. Nigeria. Norway. Oman. Pakistan. Panama. Peru. Poland. Portugal. Puerto Rico. Qatar. Reunion. Romania. Russia. Rwanda. Saudi Arabia. Senegal. Sierra Leone. Singapore. Somalia. South Africa. South Korea. Spain. Sri Lanka. Sudan. Surinam. Swaziland. Sweden. Switzerland. Syria. Syarjah. Tadjikistan. Taiwan. Tanzania. Thailand. Togo. Trinidad. Tunisia. Turkey. Turkmenistan. Uganda. Uzbekistan. Venezuela. Vietnam. Yemen. Yugoslavia. Zaire. Zambia. Zimbabwe. (Spread the WORDS Of Humanity) 1WORLDCommunity DECLARATION. Our Principle 'We don't take REWARD' from any Party or Organisation in this WORLD: AS GOD ALMIGHTY SAYS IN THE HOLY QURAN, 'NO REWARD DO I ASK OF YOU FOR IT: MY REWARD IS ONLY FROM THE LORD OF THE UNIVERSE'. (Asy'araa QS 26: 109)

Jemaah Mekah, Dakwah Suku Hottentot di Afrika . . .

Nukilan karguzari Maulana Ahmad Harun Al Rosyid di dalam buku 'Meluruskan Kesalahpahaman Terhadap Jaulah (Jamaah Tabligh). Juga diselitkan beberapa karguzari di Eropah.

Tidak banyak info berkenaan suku Hottentot ini di internet. Di wikipedia, suku Hottentot ini merujuk kepada Khoikhoi. Dikaitkan juga dengan suku Bushmen di selatan Afrika.

Karguzari: Menjelang di cetaknya buku ini, satu jamaah dari Saudi datang ke Temboro (markaz dakwah tabligh di Jawa Timur). Salah satu anggota jamaah, Ahmad Abdur Rahman dari ‘Aziziyyah Makkah, menceritakan pengalamannya 7 tahun yang lalu kepada penulis, keluar 40 hari ke Afrika Tengah.

Satu jamaah berjumlah 6 orang dari Makkah bergerak di Afrika Tengah selama 1 bulan. Untuk beberapa hari jamaah mengadakan program di kawasan sekitar hutan rimba Bagandu yang membentang di Kamerun, Ethiopia, Kongo, dan Afrika Tengah. Di hutan itu berdiam satu komuniti orang-orang suku Hottentot. Paling tinggi tubuh mereka kurang lebih hanya satu meter. Mereka yang tinggal di wilayah Afrika tengah mencapai 100.00 jiwa. Semua masih hidup primitif. Tidak mengenal agama, tidak berpakaian, tidak ada rumah permanen (kekal), dan cara berdagangnya asli  dengan sistem barter (bertukar barang).

Di tempat masjid yang di tempati jamaah, terdapat pasar yang setiap pagi selalu di datangi oleh Hottentot untuk melakukan barter. Malam hari jamaah berdoa habis-habisan memohon hidayah untuk mereka. Paginya, aneh, tidak seorang Hottentot pun datang ke pasar. Setelah bermusyawarah dengan penduduk setempat, seorang yang biasa menjadi pemandu peneliti asing menawarkan diri untuk mengantarkan kami. Setelah di ketahui bahwa dia bukan muslim, salah seorang anggota jamaah berdakwah kepadanya dalam beberapa menit. Akhirnya dia pun masuk islam.

Beberapa orang dari jamaah pergi masuk ke dalam hutan liar di temani pemandu dan penerjemah. Dengan sedikit usaha pemandu, dalam waktu singkat terkumpul 25 orang laki-laki dan perempuan. Seorang dari jamaah menyampaikan kepentingan dan kenikmatan Islam kepada mereka dengan di bantu 2 penerjemah sekaligus. Jamaah menyampaikan kepentingan dan kenikmatan Islam dalam bahasa Arab yang di terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Hottentot.

Setelah beberapa menit jamaah berbicara mereka pun masuk Islam. Beberapa orang di bawa ke masjid untuk di ajari agama. Kemudian 2 orang lagi menyusul jamaah ke masjid untuk masuk Islam. Setelah 3 hari di sana jamaah pindah ke masjid lain dengan di ikuti 3 orang dari suku Hottentot. Kami meghubungi seorang 'kyai' (ulama) di sana supaya dakwah dan bimbingan agama kepada mereka harus di tindak lanjuti.

Selama sebulan tidak boleh di hitung berapa orang masuk Islam. Hanya di dakwahi jamaah beberapa minit saja: Polisi, pedagang, orang yang menunggu masjid, bahkan orang yang baru mandi di sungai langsung masuk Islam. Setelah jamaah pulang, bertepatan dengan musim haji pada tahun yang sama, 'kyai' yang di beri tanggungjawab untuk membimbing agama kepada orang-orang Hottentot itu datang ke Makkah. Beliau menginformasikan sekarang sudah hampir 2000 (2 Ribu) orang  Hottentot masuk Islam. Alhamdulillah.

Beberapa karguzari lainnya di buku tersebut . . .

Di Sepanyol, jamaah yang pertama kali di kirim mencari orang keturunan Arab yang sudah banyak murtad. Di jumpai seorang Arab Kristen. Setelah di lacak (diselidiki) ia masih keturunan Sahabat Umar bin Khattab Radhiyallahu Anhu. Jamaah berkata kepadanya, “Harimau selalu beranak harimau. Tidak boleh jadi yang lain. Kamu keturunan Orang Islam, maka harus Islam.” Dia bersama keluarganya pun masuk Islam kembali.

Di Inggris, dengan usaha sederhana ini, Allah Subhanahuwa Ta’ala mewujudkan kurang lebih 30 pondok pesantren salaf dan puluhan pesantren Al ‘Quran. Di Perancis, sejak pertama kali dakwah tabligh di mulai (sekitar tahun 50-an) hingga sekarang telah berdiri 3000 (3 Ribu) masjid di sertai gelombang masuknya orang-orang kafir ke dalam agama Islam. Di Pakistan, penuilis menemui seorang pemuda dari Moskow datang ke Pakistan bersama jamaah dengan niat akan menghafalkan Al ‘Quran.

Pada tahun 2000 Indonesia mengirim 2Jjamaah ke Amerika. Mesjid-mesjid yang mereka datangi di antaranya adalah bekas gereja kosong yang sudah di tinggalkan para pengikutnya (orang Kristen). Gereja kosong tersebut di beli oleh orang Islam, kemudian di jadikan masjid. Ketika 2 jamaah bergerak di sana, hampir setiap hari menyaksikan orang-orang Amerika baik yang berkulit putih maupun kulit hitam masuk Islam.

Dari Ibnu Hatari, Maulana Ibrahim berkata dalam bayan subuhnya pada 15 July 2010  di Masjid Bangawali, Nizamuddin: “Natijah hujan adalah air yang bersih dan pada sudut pandangan, adalah satu makhluk biasa. Tetapi kesan pergerakannya amat luar biasa. Wujudnya hujan, satu perkara akan menjadi hidup (tanah kering kontang menjadi subur dengan tumbuh tumbuhan). Begitu juga pergerakan umat ini, pergerakan hujan natijahnya memberi manfaat. Air hujan membasahi setiap penjuru tempat, tanpa mengira keadaan tempat tersebut. Dengan wujudnya hujan, maka faedahnya dapat memberi manfaat kepada satu kehidupan. Air itu diumpamakan agama dan pergerakan hujan diumpamakan pergerakan umat dengan kerja agama.”

Wa‘Allahu a'lam.

Mecca Jemaah, Dakwah (Missionary) Hottentot tribe in Africa . . .

Citations karguzari Maulana Ahmad Harun Al Rosyid in the book 'Clearing Misunderstanding Against Jaulah (Jamaat Tabligh). Also infused some karguzari in Europe.

Not much info on this on the internet Hottentot tribe. In wikipedia, Hottentot tribe refers to the Khoikhoi. Also associated with the Bushmen tribe in southern Africa.


By the hard copies of this book, 1 Jema’ah (a pilgrim) from Arabia came to Temboro (Markaz tabligh missionary in East Java). One of the members of the congregations, Ahmad Abdur Rahman from 'Aziziyyah Makkah, related her experience 7 years ago to the author, out of 40 days to Central Africa.

A total of 6 worshipers from Makkah move in Central Africa for a month. For some congregations today have programs in the vicinity of forests stretching Bagandu in Cameroon, Ethiopia, Congo, and Central Africa. In the silence of the forest community’s Hottentot tribe people. Their highest body more or less just a meter. Those who live in the central African region reached 100.00 soul. All primitive living. Not recognize religion, not dressed, no permanent home (permanent), and doing original business barter system (exchange of goods).

In place congregational mosque, there are markets every morning often is approached by a Hottentot to do barter. Night soundly worshipers pray for those seeking guidance. Morning, oddly, not a Hottentot came onto the market. Having consulted with the local residents, the driver of a common foreign researchers volunteered to escort us. Once in the knowledge that he is not a Muslim, a member congregations to preach in a few minutes. Finally, he entered Islam.

Some people from the worshipers go into the wild forest accompany the driver and interpreter. With a little effort the driver, in a short time accumulated 25 sons and daughters. One of the congregations address the interest and enjoyment of Islam to them with the help of 2 translators at once. Jamaat convey the importance and enjoyment of Islam in Arabic that translate into Hottentot language.

After a few minutes they went worshipers speak of Islam. Several people brought to the mosque for the teach religion. Then 2 more followed pilgrims to the mosque to embrace Islam. After 3 days there congregations moved to other mosques in the follow three of the Hottentot tribe. We follow up with an 'Islamic Religious Leaders' (scholars) there to missionary and religious guidance to them in the act.

For a month can not count how many people came in Islam. Only in a few minutes dakwahi congregations: Policy, merchants, people are waiting for the mosque, even new people bathing in the river directly in Islam. After congregational home, coinciding with the pilgrimage season in the same year, 'Kyai' which is given the responsibility to guide religion to the Hottentot people come to Mecca. He informed now been almost 2000 (2 thousand) people Hottentot converts to Islam. Alhamdulillah.

Some other karguzari in the book . . .

In Spain, the pilgrims the first time in post looking for people of Arab descent who are in apostasy. Is found an Arab Christian. Once on the track (investigated) it still descendants Companions Umar bin Al-Khattab Radhiyallahu Anhu (peace be on him).  Jamaat said to him, "Tiger always begets tiger. Others can not. You Muslim descent, they should be Muslims. "He and his family went back Islam.

In the UK, with this modest effort, God. create approximately 30 boarding school and 10 salaf hafis Al-Quran. In France, since the first missionary in tabligh from (circa 50's) until now has stood 3000 (3 thousand) mosques in my wave pagans entry into Islam. In Pakistan, the writers find a young man from Moscow came to Pakistan with congregations with the intention to memorize the Koran.

In 2000 Indonesia sent 2 pilgrims (2 Jemaah) to America. Mosques that they should come in between is a former church in the empty left his followers (Christians). The empty church purchased by the Muslims, then made a mosque. When 2 congregations moving there, almost every day saw good American people who were white or black skin converts to Islam.

From Ibn Hatari, Maulana Ibrahim said in a parakeet subuh on 15 July 2010 at Bangawali Masjid, Nizamuddin: "Corollary rain water is clean and on point of view, is an ordinary creature. But the most remarkable effect of movement. The presence of rain, one thing will be live (parched land into fertile plants). Similarly, the movement of people, the movement consequently beneficial rain. Rain water watered every corner of the place, regardless of the conditions. With the presence of rain, so that the benefits can be beneficial to one's life. Water is likened to religion and movement likened to the movement of rain with the work of religious people."

Wa‘Allahu a'lam. (Only God Knows)

Karguzari Hidayah: Jemaah ke Jerman

Di Ijtima Malaysia 2009, Maulana Muhammad Saad ada berkata di dalam bayannya, "Umumiat ialah setiap orang jadi daie. Apabila usaha dakwah dilakukan secara umumiat, pintu orang masuk Islam terbuka luas dan pintu untuk orang Islam keluar dari Islam tertutup rapat. Bila usaha dakwah tidak dijalankan, pintu untuk orang Islam keluar Islam terbuka luas dan pintu untuk orang bukan Islam masuk Islam tertutup rapat."

Karguzari Jemaah Negara Jauh, Mei 1993.

Merupakan jemaah pertama daripada Malaysia pergi ke Jerman. Sebelum jemaah ini pergi ke Jerman, mereka telah ditashkil ke England dan berkesempatan membuat jord (perhimpunan) di Dewsbury. 10 jemaah tunai dapat dibentuk bagi memenuhi takaza agama di sekitar Eropah dan Amerika seperti Surinam, Holland, France dan South Africa. Jemaah ini mengatakan, penduduk Islam di sini terdiri drpd 99 buah negara yang terdiri daripada Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh dan lain-lain. Malahan pernah satu ketika di dalam majlis bayan mereka, orang yang duduk dengar bayan berasal daripada 12 negara yang berlainan. Karguzari jemaah ini;

1. Di setiap masjid yang kami pergi, ada saja orang masuk Islam dan sepanjang tashkil kami, seramai 14 orang telah masuk Islam dan 3 daripadanya jemaah sendiri yang ajar mereka ucap syahadah. Boleh dikatakan setiap hari di Jerman ini ada org masuk Islam. Ada yang kami jumpa 2 adik beradik abangnya berumur 18 tahun dan adik perempuannya berumur 15 tahun telah secara sembunyi-sembunyi masuk Islam dari pengetahun ibu bapanya dan dia telah buat ta'lim secara sembunyi bersama adiknya. Apabila dia pergi ke masjid, dia akan memasukkan baju 'kurta'nya(jubah) ke dalam seluar(tuck in) untuk mengelakkan ibu bapanya daripada mengetahui yang dia telah masuk Islam.

2. Ada satu lagi yang kami jumpa, di mana hasratnya yang ingin hendak masuk Islam menyebabkan dia telah pergi ke sebuah masjid dan bertanya tentang Islam tetapi apa yang diberitahu oleh pihak masjid, "kamu pergilah sendiri ke Mekah untuk belajar Islam", dan dia amat kecewa sekali dengan jawapan yang diberikan. Walaupun begitu, dia pergi lagi ke sebuah masjid di mana dia lihat orang di sana bertelagah sesama sendiri dan ini membuatkan dia berasa bingung. Akhir sekali, dia pergi ke sebuah masjid yang mana tempat jemaah berkumpul dan dia telah terpegun melihat orang daripada berbilang bangsa dan termasuk jemaah kami orang Malaysia berada di situ dalam keadaan satu hati dan kasih sayang antara satu sama lain dan dia pun berfikir inilah orang Islam yang sebenarnya, maka dia pun dapat hidayat.

3. Di satu lagi tempat di Germany (Dusseldorf), kami telah berjumpa dua adik-beradik yang telah memeluk Islam yang mana emak mereka adalah orang kristian Kadazan(Sabah) dan bapanya adalah orang Jerman. Kedua-dua mereka ini baru setahun masuk Islam dan Alhamdulillah, mereka telah banyak belajar tentang Islam dan berpakaian 'full-sunnah'. Sekarang si abangnya sedang mendapatkan passport untuk keluar 4 bulan dan adiknya akan keluar 40 hari dalam masa terdekat. Kesan daripada akhlak mereka berdua, emak mereka akhirnya telah memeluk Islam pada 9 bulan yang lepas selepas bapanya meninggal dunia. Walau bagaimanapun, mereka amat bersedih kerana ayah mereka mati tanpa kalimah Laa Ilaha Ilallah.

4. Satu karguzari jemaah Bangladesh yang keluar di Jerman yang mana satu orang pun dalam jemaah itu tidak tahu berbahasa Inggeris apatah lagi berbahasa Jerman. Tetapi dengan fikir dan risau mereka, setiap orang yang mereka jumpa, mereka telah gunakan bahasa mereka sendiri sehingga dalam satu umumi jaulah yang mereka buat, seramai 22 orang Jerman kulit putih telah ikut mereka pergi ke masjid dan masuk Islam.

Surat kepada markaz Malaysia ~ pautan

2) Karguzari Jemaah Masturat,  Nov 2010.

Merupakan jemaah masturat Malaysia yang pertama dibentuk ke Jerman dan khuruj selama 2 bulan. Jemaah mereka tiba Airport Schipol, Amsterdam, Holland pada pagi Jumaat 5 November 2010 dan seterusnya bergerak ke Deusseldolf, Bonn, Dortmund, Cologne di Germany untuk buat usaha dakwah dan tabligh. Pada 26hb Nov, jemaah berangkat semula ke Holland.

Ustaz Hambali menceritakan ketika berada di Dortmund; "Di masjid kami menginap terdapat dua orang yang baru masuk Islam setibanya kami di sini. Mereka mendapat hidayat melalui 'jaulah/ gasht' yang di jalankan di masjid ini. Seorang berbangsa Portugal manakala seorang berbangsa Albania. Di sini cukup mujahadah ketika jaulah di jalankan antara Maghrib dan Isya. Ini adalah kerana cuaca sejuk di luar telah makin meningkat sehingga 0. Kesejukan pada waktu pagi makin meningkat sehingg -5 dan salji telah mula turun di sini."

Karguzari hidayah di Koln (Cologne) Germany:

1. Pertama seorang perempuan Albania yang beragama Kristian. Kisahnya begini, tuan rumah yang kami menginap, ke luar sekejap untuk urusan membeli barangan makanan jemaah. Beliau terperangkap di dalam kesesakan jalan dan berpusing mencari jalan pulang sehinggakan tiga laluan berlainan, namun masih terperangkap di dalam kesesakan. Beliau membuat keputusan untuk mengisi minyak di salah satu stesen Petrol. Ketika mengisi minyak, wanita Albania ini menahan beliau dan menyatakan bahawa beliau ingin memeluk agama Islam. Beliau langsung membawa wanita ini ke program bersama dengan wanita kami (jemaah masturat). Sesampainya beliau di tempat masturat berada, solat Maghrib hampir bermula. Selepas solat, bayan pun bermula di masjid. Bayan langsung kedengaran sehingga ke atas rumah berkenaan untuk didengari oleh jemaah wanita. Wanita Albania ini akhirnya memeluk agama Islam selepas program pada malam tersebut. Selepas memeluk Islam, dia meminta dipakaikan tudung bagi menutup auratnya apabila dia ingin bergerak pulang. SubhanAllah !

2. Kisah ke dua pula seorang lelaki Turki. Beliau di bawa oleh seorang rakan seusaha ke majlis bayan mingguan. Selepas bayan iaitu selepas tashkil dibuat beliau menceritakan bahawa inilah kali pertama di dalam hidupnya beliau merasai ketenangan dan beliau begitu yakin dengan Islam berbanding Kristian. Rupanya beliau telah lama mendekati ajaran Kristian dan hampir-hampir memeluk agama tersebut. Kawannya yang juga adalah rakan seusaha menahannya berbuat demikian namun beliau nekad untuk memeluk agama Kristian. Alhamdulillah, apabila dipelawa dan berada bersama jemaah, beliau benar-benar berubah.

Ustaz Hambali juga beri sedikit karguzari; pernah seorang yang baru memeluk agama Islam memberi bayan di Markaz Nizamuddin ketika zaman Maulana Inamul Hassan menjadi amir. Katanya di dalam bayannya,”Sebab apa orang-orang kafir sekarang ini memusuhi orang-orang Islam?” Ia bertanya dan ia juga yang menjawab, “ Ianya adalah seumpama dua orang kaya, seorang sangat pemurah. Selalu memberi sedekah dan hadiah kepada orang-orang miskin dan orang ramai, maka ia disukai dan disayangi oleh orang miskin dan orang ramai. Sebaliknya seorang lagi adalah kedekut serta mengaut kekayaan peribadi serta mengenepikan orang miskin dan orang ramai, maka ianya dibenci oleh mereka semua. Begitulah perumpamaan orang Islam hari ini, mereka mempunyai kalimah yang sangat berharga dan bernilai, namun bersifat kedekut dengan tidak mahu mendakwahkan kalimah berkenaan kepada orang kafir. Hasilnya orang-orang kafir memusuhi dan membenci orang-orang Islam.”

Karguzari masturat ~ pautan

Semoga kita dapat mengambil iktibar, amal dan sampaikan.

Wa‘Allahu a'lam. (Only God Knows).

Karguzari Hidayah: Jemaah to Germany . . .

In Malaysia Ijtima 2009, Maulana Muhammad Saad said in his bayan, "Umumiat is everyone be daie ill‘Allah (MISSIONARY'. Upon umumiat done daie ill‘Allah (missionary) work, converted to Islam the door wide open and the door to the Muslims out of Islam closed. When no daie ill‘Allah (missionary) effort carried out, the door to the Muslims out of Islam, and the door wide open for non-Muslims to embrace Islam closed."

National Council Karguzari Far, May 1993.

Is the first Jemmah (1st pilgrims) from Malaysia to go to Germany. Before this congregation to go to Germany, they were tashkil to England and the opportunity to make Jord (gathering) in Dewsbury. Cash 10 congregation can be formed to meet the religious takaza around Europe and America such as Suriname, Holland, France and South Africa. Congregation says, the Muslim population here consists banked 99 countries, comprising Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh and others. Even had one point in their distinct occasions, people sitting hear parakeets originate from 12 different countries. Karguzari Jamaah this congregation;

1. In every mosque we go, there is only Islam and all the people in our tashkil, a total of 14 people have converted to Islam and 3 of them teach their own congregation says shahada. Virtually every day in Germany have converted to Islam org. There we met two brothers aged 18 and his brother and his sister aged 15 years had secretly converted to Islam from the knowledge of his parents and he made Ta'lim furtively with his brother. When he went to the mosque, he would insert-shirt kurta'nya (tunic) into pants (tuck in) to prevent his parents from knowing that he has converted to Islam.

2. There was another one that we see, where his desire to convert to Islam who want to cause him to have to go to a mosque and ask about Islam but what was told by the mosque, "you go in person to Mecca to learn Islam", and he was very disappointed once with the answers given. Despite this, he went again into a mosque where he saw people there fighting among themselves, and this makes him feel confused. Finally, he went to a mosque where pilgrims gather (Jemaah gather) place and he was stunned to see people of different races and including the Malaysian our congregation to be there in a heart and love each other and he might think this is Muslim in fact, he was able guidance.

3. In another place in Germany (Dusseldorf), we have met 2 brothers who had converted to Islam in which their mother was the Christian Kadazan (Sabah) and his father was German. Both of them are new this year and thank God in Islam, they have a lot to learn about Islam and dressed in full-Sunnah '. Now the brother is currently seeking a passport to get out 4 months and his brother will be out 40 days in the near future. The effects of both morals, their mother finally converted to Islam in the last 9 months after his father died. However, they were grieving for their father died without a word of laa ilaha Ila‘Allah.

4. A congregation of Bangladesh karguzari out in Germany where one of the people in the congregation do not speak English let alone speak German. But to think and worry about them, every person they meet, they have to use their own language in a umumi jaulah until they do, a total of 22 German whites have joined them to go to the mosque and convert to Islam.

Letter to the Markaz Malaysia ~ link

2) Karguzari Masturat Cabinet, November 2010.

Malaysia is the first masturat congregation formed to Germany and Khurooj for 2 months. Their congregation's Schipol Airport, Amsterdam, Holland on the morning of Friday, November 5, 2010 and subsequently moved to Deusseldolf, Bonn, Dortmund, Cologne in Germany to do Dakwah Ila‘Allah (missionary) work and tabligh. On 26 November, the pilgrims set off back to Holland.

Hambali teacher tells when in Dortmund: "At the mosque we stayed there 2 people who had embraced Islam on arrival we're here. They get guidance via jaulah/gasht 'which is conducted in the mosque. A Portugal while a predominantly ethnic Albanian. In here struggle enough when Jaulah in between Maghrib and Isha run. This is due to the cold weather outside has been increasing up to 0. Coolness in the morning increasing sehingg -5 and snow had begun to fall here."

Karguzari guidance in Koln (Cologne) Germany;

1. First an Albanian woman who was a Christian. The premise is this, that we stay home, out of the business for a while to buy food items congregation. He was trapped in a traffic jam and turned to find a way back even 3 different routes, but still stuck in congestion. He made the decision to refuel at one of the petrol stations. When refueling, this Albanian woman arrested him and said that he wanted to embrace Islam. He immediately brought the woman into the program along with our women Jemaah masturat (pilgrims masturat). Arriving at masturat he was, almost Maghrib prayer begins. After the prayers, parakeets began in mosques. Bayan sound directly to the top of the house to be heard by the women. Albanian women are eventually converted to Islam after the program that night. After converting to Islam, he asked to cover her body clothed hijab when she wants to move back. Praise be to God!

2. The story of the 2, a man Turkey. He was brought by a friend’s  to the weekly bayan. After parakeet that after he made tashkil tell that this is the first time in his life he felt he was so calm and confident with Islam than Christianity. Apparently he has a long reach of Christian teachings and almost converting. Friend who also is a friend’s stopped doing so, but he determined to convert to Christianity. Thank God, when invited and to be with the congregation, he completely changed.

Ustaz Hambali also take the karguzari; once a new converts give parakeet at the time when Maulana Nizamuddin Markaz Inamul Hassan became emir (3th Amir). He said in his bayan, "Because what pagans now hostile to Muslims?" He asked and she also said, "It was like 2 rich people, a very gracious. Always give alms and gifts to the poor and the public, then it is well-liked and loved by the poor and people. Instead 2 of them are stingy and enrich personal and ignore the poor and the public, then it is hated by all of them. Such is the Muslims today, they have a very valuable word and worth, but do not want to be stingy with the word of preaching to the heathen. As a result those who disbelieve and hated enemy of Muslims."

Karguzari masturat ~ link

Hopefully we can learn, practice and pass along.

Wa‘Allahu a'lam. (Only God Knows).

List the main points of the Muslims on the purpose of performing missionary & tabligh efforts in each country. (not including the Markaz in Palestine & Israel). (Senarai tempat utama umat Islam atas maksud melaksanakan usaha dakwah & tabligh di tiap negara. 

Abu Dhabi:
Kaleem Razal, Al-Musaffah, Abu Dhabi. 971-2-721-.

Haji Md Meer, Sarai Nelam Farrush, Shahbazar, Kabul. 155-23798

Dr Abdul Latif Saleh, Tirana. +355-42-25440/25438
Seshi Avni Rustemi, Tirana. +355-42-23038
Dr Skender Durresi, Tirana. +355-42-32710

Masjid An-Najah, Al-Mohammedia, Algeria. (Belqasim Merad 213-2-750)

Comunidade Islamica em Angola, Caika Posta 2630, Luano.

Ahmad Abboud, Centro Islamico, Av. San Juan 3049/53, Buenos Aires. 54-1-973577

Darul Ulum College, 17 Baird St, Fawkner-3060, Melbourne. Sheikh Mo’taz El-Leissy, Melbourne. 61-3-94784515. No 765 Wangee Road, Lakemba, Sydney. 61-2-97593898. S. Hamid Latif, Lakemba Mosque, 63/65 Wangee Road, Lakemba 2195, Sydney. 61-2-759-3899, 61-3-470-2424. No 427 William Street, Perth. Abdul Wahab, Perth. 61-9-4596826

A. Khaleque Qureshi, Masjid Belal, Diefenbachgasse 12/12, 1150 Wien. 43-1-9387615, 43-1-7366125

S. Uzair M. Ali, Orzhenigidzebskoy, Noboy Gumarbel M3/2F (no detail information)

Jamaat ul Islam, P.O. Box 10711, Nassau.

Maulana A Aziz, Kakrail Masjid, P.O. Ramna, Dhaka. 88-02-239-457

Maulana Yusuf Piprawala, Kensington New Road, Bridgetown. 1-809-426-8767

Masjid Noor, Rue Massaux 6, Gemeente Schaarbeek, 1030 Brussels. (Mostafa Nooni) 32-2-219-7847. Masjid Van Slambrouck, Fortuin St. 6, B8400 Oostende.

Md Riaz, 3132 Kraal Road, Belize City.

Md Mosque, Basset Bldg Court, St. Ram, Hamilton.

Omar Osman, P.O. Box 382 (?), Biera. 23260

Biab Khalil, P.O. Box 216, La Paz. BX 5418

A Aziz Alinani, Imam, Centro Islamica, Ax W-5 Norte, Brazil. 55-11-278-6789

Mosque, South Street, Saville Town, Dewsbury. (Hafez M Patel) 44-924-460760, 44-924-46685? (faks) East London Masjid, 9-11 Christian St, Off Commercial Road, London E1. (Zulfiqar) 44-71-4811294

Hj Jamili Hj Abbas, 647 Kg Lumapas. 673-8-810480, 673-2-337488. Hj Mahadi, Bandar Sri Begawan. 332148

Mufti Basri Osman, Plovdiv. 359-2-233-109.

Osmany c/o Alhaj Md, P.O. Box 19, Marwah.237-291-5.

Medina Masjid, 1015 Danforth Ave., Toronto. (Ismail Patel / Anjum Mohammad) 1-416-465-7833.

Masjid-e-Noor, Share Namer, N O’Jamina. (Adam Yusuf Amin).

Dudaeb Shakmarze, Ul. Khakalskaya 90/2/42, Grozni.

Taufiq Rumie, Edwardo Castillo Valesco 1160, Nunoa, Santiago. 56-2-496-081, 56-2-294-182.

Hilal D. C. Guangyun, V. C., Stand Comm, East Dist. Peoples Congress.

Costa Rica:
Mostafa Md Imam, Centro Islamico, Dasamprados Casa 7-16, San Jose. 506-272-878.

Habibullah, Sk Mohuddin, village Gubdan, Lewanshowski.

Makki Masjid, Brikegade 4 KLD, N Kobenhavn (Copenhagen). 45-43-(35)-361-513. Centre Mosque, Morbaerhaven Block 18 c/4, 2060 Albertslund. 02-454368.

Salem Ahmad, Deeday Masjid, P.O. Box 730, Djibouti. 253-762-189, 5818 FIANEA (teleks).
Shaikh Hamdan, Masjid al Kasis, Al Kasis No. 3, near Umm Kulsum Che.

Masjid Anas bin Malik, Madinatul Muhaddithin, Share Iraqu Giza, Cairo. 20-2-702-804, 20-2-348-6185.

M. M. Kechia, Abu Bakr Masjid, Kwas Maida, Addis Ababa. 251-1-130-208, 135-823 (Ibrahim Sufra).

Noor Ali, Raki Raki Jama Masjid, P.O Box 15, Raki Raki, Fiji. 679-24440, 679-94002.

Masjid Abu Bakar, Marawi City, Lanao del Sur, Mindanao.

Omar Nizamuddin, Puutarhankatu 18A, Helsinki. 358-21-513-572. Masjid, Fredrinkatu 33B, 00120 Helsinki 12. 358-0-643-579, 358-0-149-6395. Masjid, Abrahaminkatu.

Sh. Yunus Tlili, Masjid Rahman, Ave. Paul Vaillent Couturier 52, 93200 St Denis. 33-1-, Marseille, Rue Malaval 24, 13002 Marseille. 91908047.

Gading beach:
Md Amin (Jallo), Masjid Ahlesunnah, P.O. Box 110, Danane. -(225)-635-320 (Boike town).

Abdul Wadood, Arabic Madrassa, Serekunda.

Md. Nawaz, Masjid, Muenchener str. 21, Frankfurt. (06175)1673, (0221)550. Md. Nawaz, Berliner str. 31, 6374 Steinbach. (06171) 75360. Barbaros Gamii (masjid), Kyffhavser str. 26 (dekat Barbarossa Platz), 5 Koeln 1 (Cologne). (Husseinbeg Firat 467477, Zia) 0211-213870. Masjid, Lindower str. 18-19, 1000 Berlin 65. (030) 4617026. Masjid, Landwehr str. 25, Muenchen (Munich). (near train station). Masjid, Steindamm, Hamburg. (near train station). Masjid, Haupsletter str. 715, Stuttgart. 0711-6406775.

T. Osang, P.O. Box 170A, Rock of Islam Mosque, Labadi, Accra. 233-21-663-443, 665-06.

Masjid Cesemate Sq., Main Street, Gibraltar. 350-73058.

Greece Masjid Rassos, 9 Galaxia Strape (near cosmos), 117/45 Athens. Munir Mahmud, G. Papandreau 87, Goudi, Athens. 30-1-775-8155, 30-531-24863 (Hussein Mostafa).

Md Boye, P.O. Box 12294, Barry, Conakary.

Guinea Bissau:
Abayu Bayo, Jamia Kabir, Bissau.

Azim Khan, 35, Kraig Village, East Bank, Demerara. 592-(02)-62269 (Georgetown).

Hong Kong:
Masjid Ammar, 40-01 Kwon Road, Wanch.. 5-892-0720 (Md Qadeem, Zafar 852-3-5-239-975).

A. Hafez, Flat 9, 84 Linen Kurt, Budapest. 36-1-833-905, 36-1-276-0482 (Babikir). Dr Izzedin, Estergomiut 56/VII/26, 1138 Budapest. Ibrahim, Fortuna (cheap hotel), Szolgaltaro GMk, 1073 BP, Akacf.

Banglawali Masjid, 168 W. Nizamuddin, Basti Nizamuddin, New Delhi. 91-11-494-7137 (fax: Farooq).

Masjid Jamek, 83 Jalan Hayam Waruk, Kebun Jeruk, Jakarta Barat. (Ahmad Zulfikar) 62-21-821-236, 639-5585, 682-378. Masjid Istiqlal, Jalan Yos Sudarso, Dumai, RIAU.

Al Amir A Roaf, Masjid e Tauhidi, Zahedan.

Sk Kazim, Montaga Buhimania Al Karich, Share Mar’uf, Baghdad.

Masjid, 7 Harringto Street, Dublin. Dublin Islamic Centre, 163, South Circular Road, Dublin 8. Md Shigara, 21, Wolseley Street, Dublin 3. 353-1-540-027

El Amrani, 3231 Via Vanzetti No. 3, Cita di Sudi (Cascino Rosa), Milano. 39-10-952-20?, 39-6-802-258. Masjid, Via Bertoloni 22/24, Roma. Masjid,Via Berthollet 24, Torino. Masjid, Via de Groce 3 (Tingkat 4), Trieste.

Naeem A. Muta’ali, Muslim Community, 54 Wildman Street, Kingston. 1-809-9283516 (Akbar), 9286789 (Naeem) Islamic Center of Jamaica, 134 1/2 King Street, Kingston.

Islaho Tarbiyat (Ichnowari), 1-1-6 Bingonishi, Kasukabe-Shi, Saitama-Ken, Tokyo 334. Ibrahim Ken Okubo, Room 105, Bingo Higashi 1-22-20, Kasukabe Shi, Saitama Ken, Tokyo 344. 0487-36-2767 (tel) 04-8738-0699 (fax) Syed Sohel 04-8736-2767. Masjid Darus Salam, 772, Oaza Sakai, Sakai Machi, Sawa-gun, Gunma Ken. Hafiz Afzal 030-146-1419. Masjid Shin Anjo (Nagoya), Bangunan Kamimoto, Tingkat Satu, 1-11-15, Imaike-cho, Anji-Shi, Aichi Ken. Najimuddin 030-56-32101. Nufail 030-56-50432, 056-698-9408. Masjid Takwa (Chiba), Sanbu-Machi, Sanbu-Gun, Ametsubo 65-12, Chiba Ken (near station JR Hyuga). Lokman 043-444-5464, 030-067-9223. Shamin 010-404-4748. Makki Mosque (Narimasu, Tokyo), stesen Narimasu (Tobu line). Asraf 010-609-2479. Hon-Atsugi (Kanagawa). 0462-27-5936. Islamic Center, 1-16-11 Ohara Setagayu ku, Tokyo 156. 03-7870916, 4606169. Islamic Center, C Hoko Mansion 4-33-10 Kitazawa, Setagaya ku, Tokyo 156. Nerima K. K. Mati, 1-30-17 Kopsaki 205, Tokyo. 81-3-450-6820, 81-3-553-7665 (Ismail), faks 81-3-458-3967. Aziz Mecavale, 175 Kumitashi Cho, Tokyo. (d/a Akarim Seth).

Masjid Madeenat Al Hujjaj, Mukhayam, Rusaifa, Amman Jordan. (Update: 30/6/12) Md Mustafa Al Wafai, Masjid Madeenat al Hujjaj, Mukhayam Het.. 962-6-774-257.

Baba Khanov, Muslim Religious Board of Central Asia, Alma Ata.

A. Shakoor, Londi Mosque, sebelah balai polis Kamakunsi, Nairobi. 254-2-764-224, 254-2-340-965.

Ahmet Cetkin, Harika Camii, Palamud Sok No. 11, Asa Marao.

A Rashid Haroon, Subhan Markaz, Al Mantiga Sinaere, Kuwait.

Maulana Qamaruddin Noori, Masjid India, P.O Box 617, Vientianne. 3776

S M Azmat Subzwari, Randall Street Mosque, Monrovia. 231-225-0.

Mustafa Kuraitty, Jame al Badri, Bab bib Ghasher, Tripoli. 218-61-72138.

A Hasib Sar Hal, Imam Ali ut Tariq Jadidah, dekat Madrasah Farooq, Beirut.

Islamic Centre, Route Darlon 2, Mamar. (S. B. Khan Afridi) 352-311-695.

Yakub Patel, P.O.Box 101, Tamatave. 261-5-33202.

Alhaj Ali, Masjid en Noor, Hayya Araha 61, Darul Baida, Casablanca. 212-366-483.

Ebrahim Makda, Juma Masjid, Kamuza Proc. Road, Lilongwe. 265-720216.

Masjid Jamek Sri Petaling, Bandar Baru Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur. 60-3-9580515. 60-3-7595063 (Madrasah Miftahul Ulum). 60-3-7586134 (faks: Hj Khalid) Abdul Wahid, Kota Kinabalu. 088-232994 (r), 088-225081 (o).

Ibrahim Hassan, G. Aabin, Male Island.

Ismail, Markaz Haidara, P.O. Box 1551, Bamako. 223-22-22.

Md El Sadi, Islamic Centre, Corradino Road, P.O. Box 11, Paola, Malta. 356-772-163.

Daud Ahmad, Masjid Shurfa, P.O. Box 14, Nouakchott.

Masjid Nur, Gora Issac St., Port Louis. 230-2424904. Mir AM Soorma, Shaukat Islam Mosque, P.O.Box 328, Port Louis. 230-26.

Mir Y Ali, Norte 40A, No. 3612A, Col 7 de Noviembre, Mexico DF.. 537-1138.

Md Rafiq Ahmad, Av Dazambia 305, I C Flat 4, Maputo. 258-2378.

B. A. Ground Mosque, near Rangoon train station,Rangoon. 95-1-74436, 3100 (Bhay).

Moskee Arrahman,Van Ostade str. 393-395, 1074 Amsterdam. (Tram no. 4 from train station) (Al-Kabiri) 31-20-764073.

New Zealand:
Abdul Samad Bhikoo, Auckland Mosque, 17 Vermont Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. 64-9-3764437. Masjid AnNur, Christchurch. 64-3-3483930. Ishan Othman, Dunedin. 64-3-4767121

Yahya Sa’ati, Sooq al Kabir, near Mohatta Sayarat, Niamey.

Hamza Oshodi, Central Mosque, 37 Church Road, Saban Gari, Kano. 47-2-9883.

K. M. Riaz, Bilal Masjid, Tordenskjolds Gt. 86, 3044 Drammen. 47-2-9883. Islamic Centre, Nosdahlbruns Gt. 22, Oslo 1.

Masud Harthi, Jame Khalid ibni Walid, Assib, Muscat. 92-21-415.

AlHaj A. Wahab, Madrassa Arabia, Raiwind, Lahore. Makki Masjid, Garden Road, Karachi.

A F Bhikoo, Jama Masjid, 3rd Street & Mexico Avenue, Panama City. 517-256-44.

Naguib Atala, Casilla 3134, Lima. 51-14-294-620

Yakub, ul. Piastowska 77, Bialistok. Masjid, ul. Abrama 17A, Gdansk. Boguslaw Zagorski, ul. Rozlogi 6 Apt. 51, Warszawa (Warsaw).

Abu Bakar Sulil, Masjid Odiveas, Rua Thomas de Anunciacao 30 R/C Esq, Odiveas 2675, Lisboa.

Puerto Rico:
Arab Cultural Club, Km 5, KMO 65th Inf Ave, Rio Piepras, PR0092.

Abdullah Ahmad, Masjid Mantaya Sanaiya, P.O.Box 40621, Doha.

Yusuf Lockati, Masjid Nurul Islam, 97400 St Denis. 262-200..

Masjid, Ovidiu Square, Constanta.

Masjid, Prospect Mira (near Olympic Station), Moscow. 281-4904. Sayyid Akhtar, Moscow.

A Majid Suleman, Medina Masjid, Kegali. 250-7536

Saudi Arabia:
Abdul Ghaffar Noor Wali, Jeddah. 966-2-6371607. Ghassan 6823041 Dr Ahmad Ali, P.O. Box 22310, Riyadh 11495. 966-1-6023679.

Sk Ahmad, Masjid Al Noor, P.O. Box 1955, Colobane, Dakar. 221-223-262.

Sierra Leone:
Hassan Taravaly, 4 Rush Street, Circular Road, Freetown.

Masjid Angulia, 265 Serangoon Road, Singapura 218099. Tel: +65-62971624   Fax: +65 62965380. Email:

Syura bros:
Hj Akhtar: +65-96620308. Hj Hassan: +65-97110466. Hj Abdul Karim: +65-97991584. Hj Najmuddin: +65-97578609. Hj Abdul Karim: +65-97110486.

S Sheraff, Masjid e Dawat, Magaiscia. 252-1-81963.

South Africa:
Bait-un-Nur, 17, 11th Avenue Mayfair, Johannesburg. 011-8392633. Kirk St Masjid, 12 Kirk St, 2001 Johannesburg. (G. M. Padia) 27-31-923-841, fax 27-11-852-4011.

South Korea:
Imam Qamaruddin, Masjid Annur, GPO Box 10896, Seoul. 82-2-556-…

Musa Taha, Mezquita Ataqua, Calle Correo Viejo - 4, Albaicine, Granada. 34-58-255-611

Sri Lanka:
150 Lukmanjee Sq, Grandpass Rd, Colombo. (Md Lebbe Master) 94-1-25910

Dr D H Khalili, Masjid Hamddab, Ash Shaharah, Khartoum. 249-11-222428

Mufti B Piprawala, Masjid Taedul Islam, Mutton Shop 10B, Paramaribo. 597-81394

Md Hassan, P.O. Box 201, Maikerns. 83327

Tarsgatan 91, Stockholm. 46-8-334-490 (A Raof), 46-8-750-8511 (S Zaidi) Dr M Piar Ali, Tarsgatan 45B, Stockholm. Tonsbergsgatan 4, 3TR, 16434 Kista. 46-8-719-3215 (P Ali) Masjid, Gamlagatan, Uppsala. 46-18-21998281

Hussain Osmani, Muslim Association, 2-A Linderain str Post F 1650, 30012 Berne. 41-31-228-396, 556-321. Masjid, Chemin Colladon 34, Petit Saconnex, Geneva. (Tram no. 12) 7987311. Islamic Center, Narstr. 19, Zurich. Masjid, level 3, Ausstellungstr. 21, Zurich.

A M M Hosni, Razaqul-Jin-Sary, Zaid b Sabit, Merchant Modaiya, Damascus.

Ali Bhai Patel, Al Futiaim Motors, P.O. Box 5819. 971-6-548-629.

A Rahim Mostafa, Masjid Shah Mansoor, ul. Wasfe, Dushanbe.

Chinese Muslim Association, 62 H’sin Shen South Rd, Sec 2, Taipeh. 886-2-522-4473. Nurrdin Hsueh Wen Ching, P.O. Box 1430, Kaohsiung. 886-7-7498749, 886-7-5215771.

Sayed Mohsin, Medina Masjid, P.O. Box 5050, Dar es Salam. 255-61-26455.

Hanif A. Shakur, Masjid Aslam, Bangkaoli, Bangkok. 662-235-3956.

Imam Ratib, Sk Al Hassan, Grand Mosque, Zongo, Lome.

Raziff Ghany, Monroe Road Masjid, Monroe Road, Cunupia. 809-650-1985.

Mestaoui Habib, 28 Rue Ibn Khaldoun, Ben Arous, Tunis. 216-1-380-843.

Umar Vanlioglu, Mescidi Salam, Sultan Ciftligi, Habibler Koyu, Istanbul. 90-1-3854053, 90-1-5951773, 90-1-5054619 (faks: C. Korkut).

Uraz Murod, Uraz Md, Haji Noor, Masjid, Ashkabad.

Omar Mazinga, Masjid Nur, William St., P.O. Box 2046, Kampala. 256-41-246-63.

United States of America:
Dearborn Mosque, 9945 West Vernor Highway, Dearborn, Detroit. +1-313-8429000. No 425, Montauk Avenue, Apt. 1, Brooklyn, New York. Masjid Falah, 42-12, National St., Corona, New York. (Loqman Abdul Aleem) +1-718-4767968. Abdur Raqeeb, 130, 69th St., Guttenberg, New Jersey 07093. +1-201-86.. , +1-718-8587168 (faks - Faqir) No 820 Java Street, Los Angeles. (near Arbor Vitae St.) +1-310-4199177 (Dr Abd Rauf) Farouq Toorawa, Los Angeles. +1-310-6755456. Masjid Al-Noor ,1751 Mission Street, San Francisco. +1-415-5528831. Vallejo Mosque, 727 Sonoma Boulevard, Vallejo, California. +1-707-6452024. Naser Sayedi, 1777 East West Road, P.O.B. 1703, Honolulu. +1-808-735. L/Cpl Chaudary, Hawaii. +1-808-2575721. Islamic Centre, 1935, North Eo Place, Manoa, Honolulu. (Updated 26/5/2012) Masjid Noor, 6151 North Greenview Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Masjid Nur, 1251 East 99th Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Markaz, 115 Woltz Avenue, Buffalo, New York. 14212. 716-893-4100. Markaz, Masjid Jalalabad, 61 Van Houten St, Paterson, New Jersey. Masjid Noor, 28 Circuit Street, Boston, Massachusetts.

Murad, Madrassa Mir e Arab, Bukhara. 42170. Imam Mustafa Khul, Samarkand, 353268. Ziauddin, Idara Diniyat, Tashkent. 351307.

Farooq A Rahman, Islamic Center, Calle-9, Urb La Paz, El Paraiso, Caracaz. 58-2-498322?

M. Zakaria, Mutawalli Mosque, 66 Tnilap Thanh, Saigon. Masjid Annur, 12 Hang Luoc street, Hang Ma ward, Hoan Kian precinct, Hanoi. Ustaz Muhsin, Madrasah Arabiah, 25A Lang Ha street, Hanoi.

Hamood Faki, Masjid As-Sawad, Al Habbah Annagal St, Al Harabi, Sana’a. 967-2-227-246

Jusufspabic Md., Jevremova 11, 11000 Belgrade. 38-11-642-043, 622-654

A. M. Patel, 39 Mama Yemo, P.O. Box 155, Likasi. 243-12-28272

Ahmad Nomani, P.O. Box 510191, Chipata. 260-62-21161. Ahmad Karodia, Md Ravat, P.O. Box 30324, Lusaka. 260-1-212-023.

Y. Hussain, Ridgeview Masjid, Boeing Road, Ridgeview. 263-4-292.

Remember: "Don't let yourself left behind by the Train"

Our Responsibility @GOLDMINE 1WORLD Community Should Render Back the trusts to those to Whom they Due: (@18 Group Of people) Poor People, Orphan, Single Mother, Single Father, Student, Low In Come, Jobless, Disable, Patient, Old Citizen, Prisoner, Bankruptcy, FARMER, Fishermen, RICH People, All RACES, All Country And All Government In theWhole WORLD. theWORLD for free! New WORLD Principle:  ASSETProperty "It's NOT For SALE, It's Not For Bought, It's FREE!:  *Free House *Free Car * Free Education: College, University. *Free ELETRICAL GOODs: Air Con, PC Laptops, Home Theatre. *Free FURNITURE: Sofa Set, Bed Set, Sauna Bath, Kitchen Cabinet, Dining Table. *Free Vacation: Travelling Around the WORLD, Holiday, HAJ, UMRAH, NOW EveryONE CAN Fly, Hotels. *Free Life Insurance: (Free Hospital Fund, Free Funeral Fund, Free Death Fund, Free Pension Fund).

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